Cognitive Biases

Learn to improve decisions by developing an awareness of cognitive biases.


Learn to improve decisions by developing an awareness of cognitive biases.


The course provides a concise overview of cognitive biases. These are thinking errors and “brain bugs” that may distort perceptions, compromise ethics, trigger inaccurate judgments, and spark illogical interpretations in your accounting work. Discover the most common types of cognitive biases in the accounting profession, and how to recognize and address these flaws and blind spots in your “mental firmware”.

Applicable For

Practitioners who want to improve their decisions by developing an awareness of the biases that may affect their thought process and problem-solving


  • Cognitive bias fundamentals
  • Behavioral insights principles
  • Why cognitive bias is not necessarily bad
  • How cognitive bias is used to influence your behavior as a consumer
  • Common cognitive errors in accounting 
  • Why good accountants do bad audits 
  • Strategies to address cognitive bias
  • How to prime yourself and your environment to make better decisions


Participants should have a basic understanding of Internet technology, online navigation, and digital productivity services.

Seminar Leader

Garth Wasny, MA, CMC, CITP/FIBP 

What to Expect

Within two business days of completed registration and payment; an email with the seminar link will be sent from CPA Manitoba. The email will include a link to the course and a coupon code. Access to this course expires 90 days after purchase.

Technical Help

Technical support will be accessible by email. Contact information will be included in the email with your coupon code.

CPA Manitoba PD Terms and Conditions

7/1/2021 - 3/31/2022
Online registration not available.

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