Inspired by the Transformative Potential of the Profession

CPAs can be found in every industry, being experts at more than numbers – and they’re great with those, too.

CPA Manitoba spotlights the diverse and dedicated professionals that prove CPA is more than a designation. 

Today’s accountants use technology and teamwork to solve complex problems for organizations of every size, across all different industries, making it a truly people-centered profession.

One thing’s for sure: Deborah (Debbie) Grenier, FCPA, FCA, doesn’t shy away from thinking big. Her journey from a curious student at the Faculty of Management at the U of M (now Asper School of Business) to a trailblazing leader in the accounting profession is a testament to her bold vision and relentless drive.

When Debbie first embarked on her academic journey, accounting was just one of many possibilities. 

“I went down the traditional path, pursuing a Bachelor of Commerce degree,” she recalls, initially uncertain where she would end up. “As I progressed through the program, I discovered a real passion for accounting.”

By her fourth year, it became clear that public accounting was her calling. What drove this decision was more than just a career choice—it was a dream of combining professional growth with her passion for travel and exploration. 

“I realized that I wanted to pursue my CA designation. The idea of working globally was incredibly appealing,” shares Debbie, recognizing that the designation was respected worldwide. This realization was pivotal, steering Debbie towards a career that would span continents. 

Her journey in public practice began in Winnipeg, where she spent five formative years establishing a solid foundation for her future. “The grounding I received was invaluable,” she adds. “It taught me the basics and prepared me for the complexities of international work.”

After earning her designation in 1992, Debbie’s career took her to her firm’s office in Sydney, Australia. There, she spent three years managing audits, immersing herself in a new culture, and embracing the challenges of working abroad. 

“Managing audits in Sydney was a transformative experience,” notes Debbie, who has received several accolades including being named a Fellow of the Chartered Professional Accountants (FCPA) in 2018 and achieving the highest mark in the CA exam in 1991, ranking fourth in Canada and first in Manitoba. “It was exciting to be part of a global network, but family ties eventually brought me back to North America.”

A six-month sabbatical allowed her to travel through Asia before settling in New York City for four years. There, amidst the dot-com boom, she worked as a Senior Manager with her firm’s major media and telecommunications clients, witnessing firsthand the rapid expansion of technology. 

"Working in NYC during a period of intense growth and technological change was extraordinary,” recalls Debbie. “We had clients expanding into Eastern Europe, and I got to visit incredible countries and cities, like Hungary and Russia.” 

After her time in NYC, Debbie moved to Toronto, where she became a Partner, continuing her successful career before coming full circle back to Winnipeg, 13 years later.

“Returning to Winnipeg was a heartfelt decision. Family is incredibly important to me, and after living abroad, I wanted to be closer to home,” she explains.

In her almost 35 years in public practice, Debbie has served as auditor and advisor to a range of public companies and private enterprises. Today, as Partner and Business Unit Leader, Audit at KPMG, Debbie is responsible for all operations in the practice including quality and risk management, people initiatives, team building, performance development and the management of day-to-day internal finance issues. As a member of the firm's National Audit Leadership Team, she deals with quality, risk and operational issues across Canada.

Passionate about diversity, equity and inclusion, Debbie was one of the founding members of her firm’s Inclusion and Diversity Council in Canada and is a champion for the next generation of talent in the firm.

As she looks back on her professional journey, Debbie says her career was always driven by three goals: to constantly learn, to give back to the community, and to impact lives.

"Mentoring has been one of the most rewarding aspects of my career," she says, reflecting on her own experience that underscores the importance of mentorship and support in one’s career journey.

“Sometimes a 10-minute conversation can make all the difference,” recalling a conversation she had early on in her career with a partner who reminded her that family comes first and balance is key.

“I personally owe so much to the profession. It has enabled me to work with amazing organizations and people, travel the world, and live an exceptional life.”

For Debbie, giving back is a core value, instilled by being a partner at KPMG, and is something she strives to live by.

In addition to serving as a board member with Prairie Theatre Exchange, and FortWhyte Alive, Debbie has been a member of the CPA Manitoba Board since 2017 and she assumed the position of Board Chair in June of this year.

Inspired by the transformative potential of the accounting profession, Debbie, a passionate accounting “futurist” is focused on showcasing the value of the CPA designation and highlighting the evolving opportunities within the profession. 

"There’s a lot of change and opportunity in the profession right now. I want to inspire young students to see the value in pursuing a CPA designation," says Debbie, whose aspirations as Board Chair include leveraging her leadership skills to contribute to the strategic direction of the organization.  She noted she is looking forward to working with the talented leadership team at CPA Manitoba and collaborating with other board members to further the organization’s goals.

“I’m committed to demonstrating how the profession is ever-changing and growing, she explains, asserting that accounting is a truly creative and collaborative field. 

“Today’s accountants use technology and teamwork to solve complex problems for organizations of every size, across all different industries, making it a truly people-centered profession.”

Her advice to future CPA members is simple yet powerful: keep doors open and actively seek out opportunities. “By demonstrating eagerness and initiative, you can unlock countless possibilities in your career.”

Outside of work, Debbie enjoys a range of activities that reflect her love for adventure and connection with nature. From stand-up paddleboarding at the lake to exploring bucket-list travel destinations, she embraces every opportunity to enrich her life. 

"As I was reminded early on in my career, and in 2019 after a major health scare, balancing work and life is important," adds the avid sports fan who is loyal to her home teams, the Winnipeg Jets and Winnipeg Blue Bombers. "I love gardening, I cherish time with my three children, and I treasure my family’s annual skiing trips to Western Canada, savouring every adventure together. It’s these experiences that make life fulfilling."

Debbie’s career is a powerful testament to the boundless possibilities within the accounting profession.  She wants others to be as proud of their designation as she is.  Her journey from a curious student to a leader in the profession highlights the profound impact one individual can make through dedication, passion, and a willingness to embrace the world.